
Showing posts from September, 2020

Blog Post 5

Before starting my EME2040 course, I had not used twitter at all. I have posted a few times but am still not familiar with the format and utilities. I have not interacted with anyone so far, although I would like to begin checking up on the accounts that I have followed more frequently. I think twitter could be helpful in my future career as many teachers use twitter to participate in the educational discourse community. I would love to use this resource to connect with other teachers, especially those who have different backgrounds than I do.  The digital divide negatively affects students in schools. I feel that teachers will often assume that all students have access to the internet and technology when this is simply not the case. We need to be more aware of the digital divide and how it is not only affecting students, but families and communities as well. I think the main causes of the digital divide is poverty and location. Many families may not be able to afford access to the...

Blog Post 4

 I think that the implementation of technology standards in schools is very important. I looked at the first grade standards and technology matrices for ELA. The standards include learning how to use online textbooks, storybook software, text features and recording devices. I think that I would be able to teach the students about online textbooks and how to use recording devices. I have used both in school and feel comfortable with them. I do not think I would be able, as of right now, to teach students about storybook software and text features. I have never interacted with storybook, and I'm not familiar with text features.  CPALMS is a very useful website where Florida teachers can access resources such as lesson plans and class activities. I hope to create my own lesson plans when I become a teacher, but I found a lesson plan that involved my two favorite things: math and music. Although I do not have access to the full plan, it involved using melody and rhythm to strength...

Blog Post 3

 Copyright gives the owner of a certain piece of intellectual creation the right to make copies, reuse characters, and legal property. When dealing with copyright laws as a teacher, I would make sure that the documents and resources that I am using are legally allowed to be distributed and reproduced. Fair use policies allow people to use copyrighted material under certain circumstances. When developing instructional material, I would research specifically what I wanted to do with the copyrighted resource and determine how I can legally use it with my students.  One form of academic dishonesty occurs when a student uses information they found online and does not site the source, or is dishonest about where they found it, how they used it, or if it was their own words. As a teacher, I can work to combat academic dishonesty by utilizing software that can detect when academic dishonesty occurs, and encouraging and helping my students to correctly site and use online resources in ...

Blog Post 2

 I am very comfortable with MS word, and would use it a lot in school. I would use word to write essays and plan papers, but I don't have much experience with different formatting options. My computer, until recently, only had pages but over the years I became more familiar with this program. I still feel comfortable with word, but I use pages more often. I am confident some people are able to navigate more complicated application formats, but it may take a lot of time for me to become comfortable with something similar to what is shown below. I also have experience with word online and google docs, but I mainly use these applications for collaborative projects.  The ISTE Educator standard that stood out to me the most was Learner. This standard explains that teachers should actively learn about professional goals, changes in pedagogy, and global change. This helps them to improve student learning and engage in their communities. A large part of this learning is the ability to...

Blog Post 1

 Hi! My name is Key and I'm a student at FSU, hoping to pursue a degree in elementary education. I was born in Dallas, Texas and moved to Florida with my family when I was three. I love to read, write and go on walks. I used to play piano and play basketball, but as I got into high school, my work load picked up and I was unable to continue. My favorite subjects in school are math and history. I particularly love Calculus and History.  My prior experiences using technology in a classroom setting are not very extensive. My teachers did not use any social media platforms throughout my time in high school. However, I was able to use Office 365 to complete and share work with my teachers. During this past year, we used more technology in class as my instructors used Zoom to communicate with us.  My personal learning network includes online and offline resources. I use snapchat, instagram and youtube to keep informed about the world, whether its international or local news. I ...